The Magic of Straw

The power of combining ancient materials with cutting-edge technology to enhance healing and improve well-being.

The Magic of Straw

Regenerative farming offers a powerful solution to heal our soil, produce truly organic food, and sustainably harvest straw. This high-quality straw can be used to create durable, EcoCocon straw panels that build healthy homes—ensuring the highest standards of living for generations to come.

This approach not only captures and stores more carbon in our soil and buildings than it emits, but it also makes straw from regenerative farmers a path that holds so much hope for our future. A path where we can create growth that also heals and creates abundance. 

Straw is one of the most abundant natural resources in the world. We burn around 65% of all straw in the world and with only around 10% straw grown in the US, we would be able to build all buildings every year from straw alone.

Why is Straw a Great Choice for Sustainable Construction?

Straw is an incredible material for sustainable building, offering unmatched functionality, durability, and environmental advantages.

Outstanding Functionality

Straw provides exceptional thermal insulation, keeping homes cool in the summer and warm in the winter. 

Its high density prevents overheating, and plaster can be applied directly to its solid surface, eliminating the need for additional layers. 

As a natural insulator, straw doesn’t require chemical fire retardants—its natural silica content slows down the burning process, enhancing safety.

Proven Durability

Straw has stood the test of time. Since the invention of baling machines in the late 19th century, straw bale structures have proven their resilience. 

A 100-year-old house in France, still standing strong with vibrant golden-yellow straw, serves as a testament to its lasting strength and reliability.

Exceptional Environmental Benefits

Straw is a renewable, climate-friendly resource that is readily available worldwide as a byproduct of agriculture. Unlike many traditional building materials, straw actively helps combat climate change by sequestering carbon as it grows. It creates no waste throughout its lifecycle and can return to the earth as a natural fertilizer at the end of its use. This makes straw a zero-emission, sustainable building material.

Healthier Indoor Environment

Being 100% natural and toxin-free, straw promotes a healthy indoor atmosphere, making it an ideal choice for eco-conscious construction.