Home owners

Wade Austin

We create healthy & high-comfort buildings for you and your family using natural materials.

→ If you are located in the Upstate NY area (Albany / Hudson):

  • We can help you with the entirety of your dream project from design to execution as the general contractor.

  • From tiny houses to one million Ft2 projects, if you can dream it, we can build it with our team of designers, engineers, and contractors.

  • We also offer our expertise on high-performance and passive house construction for the maximum energy efficiency and minimal operational costs on local projects only.

  • We specialize in off grid living and high performance passive house design.

How can we help

If you are located across the US

  • We have a design team and engineer that can help you design your project.

  • If you have a architect and designer we can work with your team to create a EcoCocon straw panel project.

  • We can deliver straw panels ALL over the US.

  • But you will need to find a local contractor to build your project.

  • We offer onsite training, consulting and support for your local contractor to successfully build your EcoCocon straw panel home.

Building Your EcoCocon Straw Panel Home:

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Don’t Have a Design Yet?

If you’re looking for help designing your EcoCocon project, sign up for a free 30-minute Zoom meeting with one of our designers.

Step 3: Ready to Move Forward

After receiving your estimate, schedule a free 30-minute Zoom meeting. We’ll review your project and outline the next steps to build your EcoCocon straw panel home.


  • For projects near Albany and Hudson, NY, we offer full General Contractor (GC) services.

  • Across the rest of the US, we deliver straw panels and provide on-site training and consulting for your local builder.

Step 2: Already Have a Design?

If you already have a design and would like a estimate. We would be glad to provide a estimate. For us to provide a estimate we would need elevation drawing showing all sides of your design with basic measurements. Files can be submitted as PDFs or SketchUp models. We’ll gladly provide you with a detailed estimate for the EcoCocon straw panel wall.

Please see the drawing to the left:

At this moment we only provide estimate for the EcoCocon straw panel walls and wood fiber. Not the roof.

Step 4: Finalizing the Straw Panel Design

Our design team will work with you—or your architect—to create a 3D EcoCocon model. We’ll collaborate with our engineer or your engineer and architect to approve the design and complete the necessary building permits.

Step 5: Ordering and Planning

Once permits and approvals are in place, we’ll finalize your straw panel order, set a delivery date, and plan the start of construction.

Before the EocCocon straw panel can be ordered, 50% of the straw panel cost has to be received. The last 50% of the straw panel cost would happen when the straw panel leaves Europe.

Project Timeline:

Average lead time is 4 to 6 months after the design is developed.

Ready to begin the process?

We are happy to help you with an estimate for your project.