How much does an EcoCocon house cost?
EcoCocon construction costs are comparable to a passive house designs. This design and system pays itself off in the long run due to minimumal operating expenses.
Using healthy and natural materials may be slightly more expensive than traditional products, much like conventional food, which is typically cheaper than organic. The EcoCocon walls account for 10-20% of the construction budget. Total final costs will vary by project.
Free estimate: Your must have an elevation drawing of your design that shows the house from all 4 sides with a few estimates. Once you have this, we would be glad to help you with an estimate for the straw panels. Please send the drawing to:
Help designing your dream home: We have a design team that can help you design your dream home. Let us know if you would like to set up a time for a meeting. We can go over your project and talk with one of our designers. We are happy to help.
High performance EcoCocon building: With R 39 in the wall and R 60 in the roof. A completely finished EcoCocon house costs around $300-$350 per square foot.
Passive EcoCocon building: With R 50 in the wall and R 80 in the roof. A completely finished EcoCocon house costs around $350-$400 per square foot.
Prices vary depending on other material choices, design details, location, labor cost, finishes, etc.
Show case
Here is a show case for a 1220 Ft2 straw panel house. The EcoCocon straw panel costs $22,347 for the design below. The transport costs anything between $5,000-$12,000, depending on the location in the US. See here for a full estimate: ESTIMATE
Lead time: Once the design is completed and panels are ordered, they are delivered on site in the US. Lead time is 4 to 6 months.
Quick assemble: The wall comes up in 2 days with air barrier. The roof trusses in 1 day. Plywood on the roof in 1 day. Windows and door in 1 day. The house can be assembled and closed in from water in 5-6 days.
Unexpected Savings
EcoCocon provides a superior living standard in the US market. While it requires an initial investment into high quality building materials, the return on this investment means longterm savings.
Lower labor costs due to quick and easy assembly
Framing and insulation is included for an all-in-one healthy, safe and effective product
Streamlined, efficient process replaces need for multiple contractors.
Major energy savings for many years to come!.
Over time you get the money back
We think that the initial payment of purchasing a house is the biggest expense, but over time, we find that it’s just one expense out of many. There are general maintenance costs as well as heating and electricity over the lifetime of living in the house. We build high performance and net zero buildings that have solar electric and solar thermal that provides the energy needs for the home.
Can you imagine living in your healthy and perfect dream home? The moment you have paid for your passive house built with straw panels, you won’t have heating and electric bills anymore. You shouldn’t have to work to live in your house, the house should work for you. With the right design, this dream becomes reality and over time you get those upfront cost back. During a time when energy costs are skyrocketing and many things in the world are unpredictable, it feels good to have a home you can count on.
If you can dream it. We can design it
If you can design it. We can create it
We can make the straw panel fit your dream
* The air barrier, carraro plaster board and clay come in larger units. The price can change to get materials to fit your project. * This does not include transport. * If you have drawings of your project, we would be happy to give you an estimate.
$ 1,25 per Ft2
Outside of the straw panel we use an air barrier Mento 1000, Pro Clima and 475
UKU Pure Earth
The interior walls can have a clay plaster that is available in a number of natural colors. We are happy to offer high quality materials from UKU Pure Earth, please see their website.
UKU fine finish plasters are 100% natural. Fine finish plasters are colored with different natural occurring pigments from the earth. Soft and warm tones create a comfortable atmosphere in both historical and modern interiors.
$ 1,25 per Ft2